One of the most common questions I hear is, “Why would you check my neck and low back when it is my middle back that hurts?” The answer is really quite simple: My goal is to ensure that each time you leave the office your spine is in better alignment than when you entered. Pain does not necessarily dictate where an adjustment needs to be made.
Actually, this is very similar to a medical office. When you enter your doctor’s office one of the very first things that occurs is that your blood pressure is taken. Now, it doesn’t matter if you tell the nurse, “ That’s alright. You can skip checking my blood pressure today. It feels fine to me.” She may simply look at you quizzically while she places the blood pressure cuff on your arm and inflates it. Why? Because your doctor has determined that the best way to measure your blood pressure on a given visit is to check it regardless of whether or not you are experiencing any symptoms.
The exact same thing is true at Ruehle Family Chiropractic. Each and every visit, we check each and every bone of the spine to ensure they are in the proper position, regardless of whether or not they are causing a perceivable symptom. Pretty simple isn’t it?